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Wavefly Communities, Welcome to REV

We’re excited about welcoming Wavefly customers to our REV family and look forward to continuing our legacy of providing outstanding customer experiences and reliable services.
See our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) concerning the Wavefly/REV transition.

To get started, choose your customer status.

New Customer

Get all the information you need about REV services in your area.


Existing Customer

Learn how to log into your new REV account and everything you need to know for a smooth transition to our services.


Existing Customers


We’d like to assure you that this transition (from Wavefly to REV) will have minimal disruptions to how you experience your communications services.

We’re excited about welcoming you and your family to our REV family and look forward to continuing our legacy of providing outstanding customer experiences and reliable services.


View and pay your bill, adjust account and payment settings and more.



To order or change services or for account or billing inquiries:


For technical or service issues:

If you have an email on file with Wavefly, billing instructions will be sent to you in a separate email from REV’s billing support team. 
Please check your inbox for a set-up email (containing a unique PIN) from portal_admins@letsrev.com with the subject line “REV Customer Portal: Account Created.”
Please note you must register for REV’s billing system to prevent disconnection of your services.
Should you have any issues with setting up your account please call (833-744-9977) during these business hours: Monday through Friday 7:30am-6:00pm and Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm (CST)
To view state specific communications, choose your state:

New Customers


Interested in REV Services? Select your state to view properties served by REV or contact our friendly customer service team.


Learn where REV is available in your state.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who is REV?

Rebranded in 2022 – after the merging of three local and storied telecom providers in 2020 –  REV is the combined parent company of Reserve Telephone Company (RTC), EATEL/EATEL Business and Vision Communications. The combined company, with nearly 250 years of collective communications service, operates as Louisiana’s largest, locally owned, telecommunications network.

With over 3,000 miles of fiber and nearly 400 employees, REV (and the organization’s suite of business services offered by REV Business) connects more than 63,000 customers in their homes and places of work.

As a REV customer, what services are available to me?

REV is providing the following services to previous Wavefly customers:

  • Internet/data services
  • Video/television (in partnership with Dish where applicable)
  • Digital telephone/voice over internet provider (VOIP)
Will the cost of my services change?

The cost of your contracted services will not change as REV is assuming contracts and previously-agreed-upon pricing as formerly offered by Wavefly. REV will be including all required local, state, and federal taxes and fees, which may cause your monthly total to be different.

How will I pay my bill? Will my payment methods change?
To pay your bill moving forward you will need to register for the REV customer portal. Instructions on how to register were sent via email on Wednesday, July 24th. Auto-draft and bank information will NOT be carried over from Wavefly.
Will my auto-draft and/or payment information be transferred to REV?
Auto-draft and bank information will NOT be carried over from Wavefly.  Portal registration and set up of auto-draft is required for future payments. Credit card information is not stored for your protection.
How do I contact REV if I have issues with my services?

Wavefly customers will be able to contact REV’s customer service line at 833-744-9977 regarding:

  • Account information
  • Billing/payments
  • Service orders
  • General questions

Hours for customer service:

  • Monday-Friday 7:30am-6:00pm (CST)
  • Saturday 8:00am-12:00pm (CST)

Wavelfy customers can contact REV’s technical support team at 833-744-9977, seven days a week/24 hours regarding:

  • Equipment issues
  • Outages
  • Repairs
  • Other technical problems.

Additionally, REV offers an option for customers to chat with our technical support team seven days a week; 7:00am-10:00pm (CST) at: https://letsrev.com/live-chat-customer-support/

As a property owner and/or manager of a property being serviced by REV, who will be my point of contact?
Customer Experience Manager, Rachel King has joined REV and will continue to be your primary point of contact.
What do REV’s customers say about REV?
REV’s customer satisfaction rate/score is 78.1 (as measured by Net Promoter Score or NPS – a measure of whether a customer would recommend or ‘promote’ REV services to friends and family)

  • The telecom industry as a whole has a NPS or 31.

*Medalia Agent Connect Star Rating of 4.9 (out of 5) stars

  • In addition to an industry-leading Net Promoter Score, customers highly rank REV when receiving follow-up surveys

*A customer-surveying tool sent to customers after transacting with members of REV’s sales/support/installation & repair teams.